by Robert Cole | Sep 17, 2020 | Cuttings, Hospitality Insights, Showcase
WORKING ONLINE TO SUPPORT NEIGHBOURHOOD BUSINESSES OFFLINE May 2020 From nothing to 1.6 million in less than five years. The success is counted in people and belongs to Berlin-based The aim is to improve – sometimes create – physical neighbourhood...
by Robert Cole | Sep 17, 2020 | Cuttings, Showcase, Visa Navigate
WORKING ROUND THE CLOCK TO HELP LOCAL RESTAURANTS May 2020 Within minutes of a customer making an order, Deliveroo puts locally cooked food on tables in homes all over the world. Within days of the Covid outbreak, it threw lifelines to its international network of...
by Robert Cole | Sep 17, 2020 | Cuttings, Hospitality Insights, Showcase
VRBO LEADS ‘BOUNCY’ EXPEDIA 2 August 2020 Expedia struck decidedly upbeat notes about recent and current trading alongside second quarter earnings figures posted on 30 July. Its assessment of its Vrbo home-rental booking service was particularly bullish....
by Robert Cole | Sep 14, 2020 | Cuttings, Hospitality Insights, Showcase
HOST SAYS 10% TO 15% OCCUPANCY IS ENOUGH 2 August 2020 Host Hotels & Resorts has said that its properties can be economically viable with occupancy as low as 10 to 15%. At that level, the company said, it would expect to lose marginally less Ebitda being open than...
by Robert Cole | Apr 7, 2020 | Cuttings, Leading Article, Showcase, The Times
DELHI’S DAY Gordon Brown spent ten years as Chancellor of the Exchequer before finding time to visit India. It has taken him a little over six months to grace the subcontinent with his Prime Ministerial presence. The importance of India, on the political and economic...